Error codes

Below, a list of error codes that can be received as part of an error response with the 422 response code, indicating a failed business validation.

Code Parameters Description
ANSWER_SELECTED_OPTIONS_FOR_NON_SELECTION_TYPE Cannot provide selected answer options for a question that is not of input type SELECT or MULTI_SELECT.
ANSWER_VALUE_FOR_SELECTION_TYPE Cannot provide single answer value for a question with input type SELECT or MULTI_SELECT.
APPLIED_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE The default availability template cannot be applied.
APPLIED_TEMPLATE_OVERLAP type, overlappingAppliedTemplateId The applied template overlaps with an existing applied template.
APPLIED_TEMPLATE_START_AFTER_END The endDate must be greater than or equal to the startDate of an applied template.
APPOINTMENT_COMPLETION_TOO_EARLY completionAllowedDaysBeforeStart Appointments cannot be completed earlier than a specific number of days before their start time. This number is configured in the enterprise settings.
APPOINTMENT_PRIMARY_CUSTOMER_MISSING An appointment needs at least one PRIMARY CUSTOMER participant.
APPOINTMENT_PRIMARY_EMPLOYEE_MISSING An appointment needs at least one PRIMARY EMPLOYEE participant.
APPOINTMENT_PRIMARY_PARTICIPANT_ADDED_OR_REMOVED PRIMARY appointment participants cannot be added or removed.
APPOINTMENT_LOCATION_REQUIRED An on-location appointment must have a location.
APPOINTMENT_NO_AVAILABILITY No employees available on the chosen time slot.
APPOINTMENT_PARTICIPANTS_NOT_UNIQUE Participants need to be unique.
APPOINTMENT_START_AFTER_END The end must be strictly greater than the start of an appointment.
APPOINTMENT_STATUS_INVALID allowedStates The operation cannot be performed on the appointment because the appointment status does not allow it.
AVAILABILITY_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_MODIFICATION_NOT_ALLOWED The default availability template cannot be modified.
AVAILABILITY_TIME_RANGE_DAY_TEMPLATE_WITH_DAY_OF_WEEK The day of the week cannot be set on availability time ranges for DAY availability templates.
AVAILABILITY_TIME_RANGE_OVERLAP Availability time ranges cannot overlap.
AVAILABILITY_TIME_RANGE_START_AFTER_END The end must be strictly greater than or equal to the start of an availability time range.
AVAILABILITY_TIME_RANGE_WEEK_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_DAY_OF_WEEK The day of the week must be set on availability time ranges for WEEK availability templates.
CUSTOMER_NOT_IDENTIFIABLE A customer must have at least one of the following fields: externalId, customerNumber, email, lastName, company, phoneNumber.
EMPLOYEE_ALREADY_ACTIVE The employee cannot be activated because it is already active.
EMPLOYEE_EMAIL_ALREADY_IN_USE The provided email address for the employee is already in use for another employee.
EMPLOYEE_OFFICE_RELATION_ROLE_MISMATCH The office relation roles should match the available employee roles.
EMPLOYEE_ONLINE_PLANNING_NON_AGENT Online planning can only be enabled for ACTIVE employees with the AGENT role.
EMPLOYEE_SUSPENDED The operation cannot be performed on the employe because the employee is SUSPENDED.
FETCH_CONFIGURATION_LINKED_TO_QUESTION_ON_DELETE A fetch configuration can only be deleted if it is not linked to a question.
FILE_SCAN_MALICIOUS The scan result of the file is malicious and can not be downloaded.
FILE_SCAN_PENDING The scan result of the file is pending and can not be downloaded.
FILE_URL_INVALID The provided URL for an uploaded file is invalid.
LEAD_SEGMENT_CODE_ALREADY_IN_USE The provided code for the lead segment is already in use for another lead segment.
LISTING_TIME_SLOT_EMPLOYEE_NOT_LINKED missingEmployees Employees assigned to a listing time slot must be linked to the parent listing.
LISTING_TIME_SLOT_OVERLAP Listing time slots cannot overlap.
LOCATION_GEOCODING_FAILED The geolocation could not be determined for the provided location.
LOCATION_TIME_ZONE_RESOLUTION_FAILED An error occurred while determining the time zone for the given location.
QUESTION_FETCH_TYPE_WITHOUT_FETCH_CONFIGURATION A question with input type FETCH should have a fetch configuration ID.
QUESTION_NON_FETCH_TYPE_WITH_FETCH_CONFIGURATION Only a question with input type FETCH can have a fetch configuration ID.
QUESTION_NON_SELECTION_TYPE_WITH_ANSWER_OPTIONS Answer options cannot be configured for a question that is not of type SELECT or MULTI_SELECT.
QUESTION_SELECTION_TYPE_WITHOUT_ANSWER_OPTIONS A question with input type SELECT or MULTI_SELECT should have at least one answer option.
SETTING_APPOINTMENT_EARLIEST_LATEST_POSSIBLE_INVALID The appointmentLatestPossible enterprise setting must be greater than or equal to appointmentEarliestPossible.
SETTING_MANAGEABILITY_MODIFICATION_NOT_ALLOWED key Cannot update a manageable enterprise setting to a non-manageable enterprise setting.
SETTING_NON_MANAGEABLE key Cannot update a non-manageable enterprise setting.
SETTING_VALUE_INVALID key The value of the enterprise setting is invalid.
SUBJECT_GROUP_NOT_EMPTY_ON_DELETE A subject group can only be deleted if it has no subjects.
TIMETABLE_NOT_SCHEDULABLE The requested combination is not schedulable.
UNAVAILABILITY_OVERLAP The user-defined unavailability overlaps with another existing user-defined unavailability.

More information about error responses, other than the ones with the 422 response code, can be found in Error response codes.