Requests and responses


Array query parameters

Array query parameters should be passed using the following syntax:


Note that in case of an array containing a single value the syntax is name[]=value. The syntax name=value will not be accepted.

Request body

All API request bodies should contain JSON strings where relevant and should be accompanied by the corresponding Content-Type: application/json header.


Response body

All successful API response bodies (having a response code 2xx) will contain a data object where the actual results of the request can be found. Endpoints that support pagination will also contain a meta object where pagination data can be found.

In case of a non-successful response, the response body will contain an errors array.

Error response codes

A 400 response code indicates a malformed request. The request should not be retried without changes.

A 401 response code indicates an unauthorized request. This response can be expected when the Authorization header value is invalid, expired or missing. The request should not be retried with the same Authorization header value.

A 403 response code indicates a forbidden request. The provided Authorization header value is valid but the request is prohibited due to other permission restrictions (e.g., missing scopes or organizational settings).

A 404 response code indicates a resource that cannot be found. This response code will be returned in case of a non-existent URL being used or a non-existent resource ID being used in a valid URL structure.

A 405 response code indicates that the HTTP method being used is not supported for the target URL. The request should not be retried without changes.

A 409 response code indicates a conflict, caused by concurrent operations, that resulted in a situation where the requested operation could not be performed simultaneously with another operation. The request can be retried without changes but will most likely result in another error response code.

A 422 response code indicates a failed business validation. More information on the business validation concerned can be found in Error codes by looking up the specific error code mentioned in the errors array in the response body.

A 429 response code indicates that too many requests were sent in a given amount of time. See Rate limiting.

Any other response code can be considered unexpected and can be reported to